曠野之光Light in the wilderness
曠野之光Light in the wilderness

朝陽而生Keep Face To The Sun
朝陽而生Keep Face To The Sun

馬卡龍奇境Macaron Wonderland
馬卡龍奇境Macaron Wonderland

鵲The magpie
鵲The magpie

克萊茵藍珠寶盒Klein Blue Jewelry Box
克萊茵藍珠寶盒Klein Blue Jewelry Box


亭然Like a Pavilion
亭然Like a Pavilion

開展的卷軸 As the handscroll painting unfurls
開展的卷軸 As the handscroll painting unfurls

回歸山水Retreating to a rustic life
回歸山水Retreating to a rustic life

流動的饗宴A Moveable Feast
流動的饗宴A Moveable Feast

巧克力盒子A box of chocolate
巧克力盒子A box of chocolate

人在草木間The Echoing Green
人在草木間The Echoing Green

寫一首歌給你 write a song for you
寫一首歌給你 write a song for you


回家 Home

等高線上的對比Contrast on contour line
等高線上的對比 Contrast on contour line

記憶的顯影Manifestation of Memories
記憶的顯影Manifestation of Memoriese

絲旅silk road
絲旅 silk road

生命的探戈the tango of life
生命的探戈the tango of life

獷放山水Mighty Mountains and Waters
獷放山水Mighty Mountains and Waters

青苔green moss
青苔green moss

河濱散記Reflections by the River
河濱散記Reflections by the River

即興切分音 Improvised Syncopation
即興切分音 Improvised Syncopation

夜鶯與玫瑰Nightingale and Rose
夜鶯與玫瑰Nightingale and Rose

墨戲ink play
墨戲ink play

門牆之間Between doors and walls
門牆之間Between doors and walls

點散步去Take a dot for a walk
點散步去Take a dot for a walk

Joesf Albert的啟發the inspiration of Josef Albert
Joesf Albert的啟發the inspiration of Josef Albert


遊感 the sense of travel
遊感 the sense of travel

經緯之弦Chord of latitude and longitude
經緯之弦Chord of latitude and longitude

華麗的自然Nature of beauty
華麗的自然Nature of beauty

線條山水Landscape of line
線條山水Landscape of line

香奈兒女士Madam Chanel
香奈兒女士Madam Chanel

西城故事West Side Story
西城故事West Side Story

絕句其三詠Reveling in Poetry
絕句其三詠Reveling in Poetry

原點Original Dots
原點Original Dots

理性與感性The Sparkle Of Meets Present
理性與感性The Sparkle Of Meets Present