鵲The Magpie


新居落成於異國他鄉,落地之處即是新的生根之所,望向窗外,彷彿能聽見清脆的鳥鳴,願往後的日子能如陳世熙《開元天寶遺事》:“時人之家,聞鵲聲,皆為喜兆,故謂靈鵲報喜。 ”天天平安,日日歡喜。



若有似無的玻璃隔屏反射著弧型的燈線,喜鵲搧動的羽翼切換著不同色溫的光線,影響著潔白空間中的氣旋,當夜幕垂降 ,廊道化成星空一片,沙發上的金色抱枕隨著遠方悠揚的琴聲隱隱閃爍,像是發亮的恆星讓人能在疲憊時找到安歇的角落。


The Magpie

As this new residence took shape in a foreign land, it also became a place to set down new roots. Gazing out the window, it seemed we could hear the clear sound of birdsong. We wish the residents many days of peace and happiness in their new home, just as Chen Shixi wrote in Memories of the Kaiyuan and Tianbao Years: "In my home, I hear the call of the magpie, always a good omen. Thus I say that this spirit bird has come to deliver good tidings." 

The magpie's soft call enters with the breeze. The curious bird opens its eyes and flutters its wings, appraising its new surroundings, then hovers and glides in the morning light, its flight tracing a smooth, flowing line between earth and sky. It brings a shimmering light to the high-ceilinged living room, spreading different shades of blue to enliven our lines of sight, flying wherever it wills in a seemingly endless sky. 

Flying deeper, she alights for a rest on a hanging chandelier, its curves sweeping around like the hem of a fairy goddess's dress. Lights and shadows flow amid the chandelier's glimmering shapes, while the domed ceiling above glitters and shines as if with bright stars in a vast expanse. The aromas of fine foods and wine seem to drift upward amid these fleeting images.

The happy magpie weaves its way among the flowing lines of the interior, a shooting star on a happy flight. Fluttering and dancing like the notes of a musical score, highs and lows are strung together into a band of light, and the brilliant chandelier remains as proof of its recent journey. Soon she reaches the stairway area, and rises high up into the sky.

The subtle presence of glass partitions reflects the arcing lines of the illumination. As the magpie flaps her wings, the light shifts with different shades of warm color, flowing into the vortex in the middle of the clean, white spaces. As night falls, the hallways become a starry sky, the gold throw-pillows glimmering gently along with the sound of distant music, pointing the way like shining stars to a place of peaceful rest for the weary.