獷放山水Mighty Mountains and Waters


為一位軒昂漢子量身訂製的家宅,從窗外的景緻發展,成了順勢而為的開始。山形折板天花吊頂,與遠方山勢遙遙呼應,一脈獷味由外而內從裡至外一氣呵成 ;  山形吊板的下方立面,猶如礦山的縱剖,潛藏著貴金屬的光芒,展示著一櫃櫃的品味典藏。放大尺度的公共空間與設有雙重門的臥房空間,將對外招待與對內隱私做了絕對的壁壘分界,也築構出屋主內在的最後防線與秘密堡壘。


Looking down on Taipei, two rivers glisten under the sun like silver belts while magnificent rows of Datun mountains loom in the far horizon. When we first met the client of this project, we were impressed by his powerful presence as much as we were by the breathtaking view outside the window. The saying of “a house will find its owner” immediately came to mind.
To tailor-make a home for this compelling gentleman, the mighty landscape was a natural point of departure for our design. The rows of hip-plate ceiling, thus resonate with the distant mountains for an effect that combines the outside view with the inside. Underneath the ceiling, the walls resembling vertical section of a mine with hidden treasures display the owner’s precious collection. To draw a clear boundary between the public and the private spaces, the common areas are made expansive in scale but are separated from the bedrooms by double doors in order to allow the inhabitants of this home a quiet retreat.
The cement wall cabins, horse hair collage carpet, leather sofa… These elements are neatly arranged in the home like trees and rocks in an ink painting. At the same time, the contrasting gray and blue colors bedeck the space to emphasize the taste of the owner, as well as complete a luxurious indoor landscape of mighty mountains and waters.