等高線上的對比 Contrast of contours
負一層的停車場入口,曲面起伏的環狀橡木牆體,帶出了本案等高線形的主題, 透過玻璃隔屏看到下ㄧ層次的黃色弧面玄關空間,也順勢導出螺旋狀黃色垂直動線,引領人們至一樓的客餐廳公共空間。
Residential houses on the hillside line the slope as it rises and falls. All around the mountain, these mansions take after English architectural designs and their residents are also partial to the English decor when it comes to designing the interiors of their houses. This project, however, is intended to provide a different concept by adopting a modern elegance.
At the entrance of basement level 1, the parking lot in the building, the flowing lines on the oak wall deliver the theme of this project—contrast of contours. Through the glass screen, one can see the second layer of our design, which introduces the foyer that consists of yellow curves and spirals to guide people up the stairs and into the common areas of the living and dining rooms on the first floor. Walking up the stairs to the first floor, rows of mountain and the expansive sky come to light as sunshine bounces off the pearl-colored walls. The modern furniture add colors to the house while the casually arranged lights and lamps lend a sense of leisure to the overall ambience. As one look up the ceiling, the theme is extended to the second floor. The air conditioning, stereo and lighting systems are also integrated. The simple design thus creates a strong contrast between the modernist interior and classic exterior to allow a whole new experience that is both fresh and contemporary.
Bedrooms can be found on the third and fourth floors. Between the two floors, the hallway is designed in various colors. Bright or dark, the colors echo the different personality and preferences of the family members. The contours may contrast in the interior, family unity is nevertheless highlighted by the warm atmosphere of the house.